Top 3 Data Privacy Concerns We Face Today

Top 3 Data Privacy Concerns We Face Today

Data protection is a major concern for anyone using the internet—and currently, that includes just about everybody. Safeguarding data is a challenge that requires effort from individuals and government regulations. Read on to learn more about the top three data privacy concerns we face today and explore laws and requirements that can help and ways to protect yourself now.

Unclear Rules on Data Collection

It seems like every online entity tries something different when trying to gather and access your data. Websites continue to collect data without fully informed user consent, whether these attempts are outright malicious—as is the case with malware and phishing scams—or more subtle, like with vague disclosure statements.

Stricter data collection regulations are necessary to prevent this kind of manipulation. You can protect yourself in the meantime by understanding some of the strategies companies use to gain access to data.

One example is dark patterns. Dark patterns technically follow data collection regulations, but they use misdirection or vague information to obtain consent. Additionally, some websites obtain data first and then present disclosure statements or opt-out buttons to customers later.

New Technologies, New Threats

The rise of new security technologies, such as biometrics, creates more sophisticated solutions for storing and safeguarding data—especially in sensitive sectors like finance, healthcare, and criminal justice. But with any exciting innovation comes new risks. Companies that use these security measures must stay accountable to ensure they’re using these technologies safely and responsibly. Industry and government regulations must catch up to how companies use measures like biometrics to protect the rights and privacy of individuals.

Children’s Data at Risk

With more minors using the internet at increasingly younger ages, the safeguarding of children’s data is one of the most important data privacy concerns we face today. While kids might not have the access to financial information or sensitive business data that many adults do, they’re more likely to fall for scams that prey on personal data—putting them and their families at risk.

Better education about online safety is necessary to protect younger age groups on the internet. Additionally, stricter regulations can help prevent data collection from minors and better protect children online.

Connecta Mobile Offers Security Solutions

Connecta Mobile’s encrypted phone service helps you protect your data so you can enjoy complete security and privacy in the digital age. Safeguard your peace of mind when you switch to Connecta Mobile today.